Sunday 30 August 2015

(15) Condemnation of youth-state


बाल्यानर्थमथ​ त्यक्त्वा पुमानभिहताशय: आरोहति निपाताय यौवनं संभ्रमेण तु तत्रानन्तविलासस्य लोलस्य स्वस्य चेतसः वृत्तीरनुभवन्याति दुःखाद्दुःखान्तरं जडः । स्वचित्तबिलसंस्थेन नानासंभ्रमकारिणा बलात्कामपिशाचेन विवशः परिभूयते । चिन्तानां लोलवृत्तीनां ललनानामिव​ऽवृतीरर्पयत्वश्यं चेतो बालानामञ्जनं यथा ।
Stepping out of infancy, a man filled with great excitement ascends the state of youth with the mind smitten with desires, to only fall down again. The fool keeps experiencing the imaginations rising in his mind about the endless pleasures that are waiting for him and moves from the suffering state of the childhood to the suffering state of youth. The lust-vampire takes possession of the hollow of one’s own mind and produces a variety of hallucinations bringing him forcefully under its control. The mind without any control offers ‘the unblocked imaginations as fickle as the nature of women’, like a magical collirium given to the children (to observe the hidden treasure under the ground (but never to be obtained actually).
ते ते दोषा दुरारम्भास्तत्र तं तादृशाशयं तद्रूपं प्रतिलुम्पन्ति दुष्टास्तेनैव ये मुने ।
The wicked qualities of attraction and greed which give rise to wicked acts, lead the lustful youth towards ruin, becoming powerful by his youthful state itself.
महानरकबीजेन संततसंभ्रमदायिना यौवनेन न ये नष्टा नष्टा नान्येन ते जनाः ।
People are ruined not by any other thing like that caused by the youth state which is the seed for all hells and keeps one always in search of pleasures.
नानारसमयी चित्रवृत्तान्तनिचयोम्भिता भीमा यौवनभूर्येन तीर्णा धीरः स उच्यते ।   
He alone is said to be a ‘true man of valour’, who can cross the youth-forest which is dreadful with its many inherent dangers; is filled with fruits (pleasures) of many tastes good and bad, edible and poisonous; and is thrilling with many wondrous sights of tigers, serpents, and dacoits in the form of vices and wicked sports.
निमेषभास्वराकारमालोलघनगर्जितं विद्युत्प्रकाशमशिवं यौवनं मे न रोचते ।
मधुरं स्वादु तिक्तं च दूषणं दोषभूषणं सुराकल्लोल​सदृशं यौवनं मे न रोचते ।
असत्यं सत्यसंकाशमचिराद्विप्रलम्भदं स्वनाङ्गनासङ्गसमं यौवनं मे न रोचते ।
सर्वस्याग्रे सर्वपुंसः क्षणमात्रमनोहरं गन्धर्वनगरप्रख्यं यौवनं मे न रोचते ।
इषुप्रपातमात्रं हि सुखदं दुःखभासुरं दाहपोषप्रदं नित्यं यौवनं मे न रोचते ।
आपातमात्ररमणं सद्भावरहितान्तरं वेश्यास्त्रीसङ्गमप्रख्यं यौवनं मे न रोचते ।
The youth is not to my liking, which is like a momentary bright flash of inauspicious lightning (joy) appearing amidst the dark clouds of thunder of rudeness and ill-manners.
The youth is not to my liking, which is like the intoxication produced by liquor, sweet and tasty, but sour and harmful ending in disastrous states and adorned by blamable acts.
The youth is not to my liking, where the pleasure experienced are unreal, yet appear real, instantly deceiving and is as illusory as the company of a woman in dream.
The youth is not to my liking, for it is illusory like a city of Gandharvas, which gives pleasure for just a few moments of experience, and is the foremost of all momentary objects and is experienced by all men.
The youth is not to my liking, which gives joy just for the time of an arrow reaching its target; is filled with pain only and produces immense pain. (Flower arrow of Manmatha turns into the real arrow of pain.)
The youth is not to my liking, is like the union with a prostitute, joyous only at the time of experience, having no good or auspicious relation.
ये केचन समारम्भास्ते सर्वे सर्वदुःखदाः तारुण्ये सन्निधिं यान्ति महोत्पाता इव क्षये । हार्दान्धकारिण्या भैरवाकारवानपि यौवानाज्ञ्नानयामिन्या बिभेति ज्ञानवानपि ।
Whatever enterprises that give suffering are all present in the youth-state, like calamities crowding at dissolution time.  Even Ishvara with his gigantic form fears the youth-state filled with ignorance, like a night filled with terrifyingly darkness; (so alone he wears the moon of Viveka on his crest).
सुविस्मृतशुभाचारं बुद्धिवैधुर्यदायिनं ददात्यतितरामेष भ्रमं यौवनसंभ्रमः । कान्तावियोगजातेन हृदि
दुःस्पर्शवह्निना यौवने दह्यते जन्तुस्तरुर्दावाग्निना यथा ।
The excited state of youth makes one forget good manners; kills of the intellect; and fills one with delusion. When the beloved is separated, the man suffers in the youth-state by the unbearable flames of fire (of separation pangs) like a tree by the conflagration.
सुनिर्मलापि विस्तीर्णा पावन्यपि हि यौवने मतिः कलुषतामेति प्रावृषीव तरङ्गिणी । शक्यते घनकल्लोला भीमा लङ्गयितुं नदी न तु तारुण्यतरला तृष्णातरलितान्तरा । सा कान्ता तौ स्तनौ पीनौ ते विलासास्तदाननं तारुण्य इति चिन्ताभिर्याति जर्जरतां जनः
Though taintless without faults, though broadened with education, though pure with virtues, the intellect of a youthful person becomes tainted like a river in monsoon. One can cross over the huge turbulent river, but not the fragile state of youth which is turbulent with Trshnaa. That pretty girl; those huge breasts; those attractive gestures; that youthful face; with such thoughts a young man gets shattered.
नरं तरलतृष्णार्तिं युवानमिह साधवः पूजयन्ति न तु च्छिन्नं जरत्तृणलवं यथा ।
Noble men never commend a young man agitated by wants of pleasures as if he is as worthless as a broken piece of old grass.
नाशायैव मदार्तस्य दोषमौक्तिकधारिणः अभिमानमहेभस्य नित्यालानं हि यौवनम् ।
मनोविपुलमूलानां दोषाशीविषधारिणां शोषरोदनवृक्षाणां यौवनं बत काननम् ।
रसकेसरसंबाधं कुविकल्पदलाकुलं दुश्चिन्ताचञ्चरीकाणां पुष्करं विद्धि यौवनम् ।
कृताकृतकुपक्षाणां हृत्सरस्तीरचारिणां आधिव्याधिविहङ्गामानामालयो नवयौवनम् ।
जडानां गतसंख्यानां कल्लोलानां विलासिनामनपेक्षितमर्यादो वारिधिर्नवयौवनम् ।
For the huge elephant (young man) of self-conceit, mad with intoxication and wearing the pearl of wickedness, the youth-state proves to be the stake leading towards its ruin.
Youth is the forest with the mind swelled up with deep-rooted desires, with vices slithering like poisonous serpents, and the trees making sounds of melancholy because of the disappointment and unfulfilled desires.
Understand the youth to be a lotus with the wicked thoughts hovering around like bees, with petals of perverted thoughts, and dense with the pollen of momentary joys (Ke+sara- movement towards objects of pleasures).
Fresh youth is a nest for the birds of mental and physical ailments which float near the heart-lake and which have the wings of sinful deeds that are done and good deeds that are not done (that keep the birds away.)    
Fresh youth is the ocean filled with countless turbulent waves which splash high and jump about recklessly, to end in the undesired states of old age and worries alone.
सर्वेषां गुण​सर्गाणां परिरूढरजस्तमाः अपनेतुं स्थितिं दक्षो विष​मो यौवनानिलः ।
The terrible youth-wind dense with dust and darkness (Rajas and Tamas qualities) is capable of carrying off all the virtues that get obtained in the world through the study of scriptures and the company of the noble.
नयन्ति पाण्डुतां वक्रमाकुलावकरोत्कटाः आरोहन्ति परां कोटिं रूक्षा यौवनपांसवः ।
The rough and hurting sand particles of youth bring about the paleness of excessive passion; force one to choose the crooked paths; carry off the senses like grass and leaf pieces; and take one to the extreme peak of suffering in the end. 
उद्बोधयति दोषालिं विकृन्नति गुणावलिं नराणां यौवनोल्लासो विलासो दुष्कृतश्रियाम् ।
For all men, the merry sport of the youth is actually the play of wicked acts only; for it gives rise to hosts of faults (like ill-manners, vices etc), and cuts off the pearl garland of virtues.
शरीरपङ्कजरजश्चञ्चलां मतिषट्पदीं निबध्नन्मोहयत्येष नवयौवनचन्द्रमाः ।
(Even as the bee keeps sucking the honey in the lotus, the sun sets, the moon appears and the bee gets trapped inside the petals of the lotus; and sinks inside the pollen.)
The ‘moon of fresh youth’ traps ‘the ever-restless six-footed bee of the mind with its senses and the wings of Viveka’, inside the ‘dusty pollen of the body-lotus (pleasures related to the body)’ and deludes.
शरीरखन्डकोद्भूता रम्या यौवनवल्लरी लग्नमेव मनोभृङ्गं मदयत्युन्नतिं गता ।
The beautiful youth-creeper filled with flowers rises from the small bush of the body; grows tall and high; and intoxicates the mind-bee which is stuck to it (only to make the bee collapse on the ground with disappointments unable to float high to fulfill all the desires.)
शरीरमरुतापोत्थां युवतामृगतृष्णिकाम्मनोमृगाः प्रधावन्तः पतन्ति विषयावटे।
The mind-deer rush after the mirage of youthful pleasures appearing in the desert of the body and fall into the deep holes of sense objects.
शरीरशर्वरीज्योत्स्ना चित्तकेसरिणः सटा लहरी जीविताम्बोधेर्युवता मे न तुष्टये ।
The youthfulness never gives me any joy, for it is the moonlight in the dark night of the body (hiding many dangers of ailments etc of the darkness); the mane belonging to the mind-lion (attractive but dangerous); and the splashing waves of life-ocean (momentary only).
दिनानि कतिचिद्येयं फलिता देहजङ्गले युवता शरदस्यां हि न समाश्वासमर्हथ । झटित्येव प्रयात्येव शरीराद्युवताखगः क्षणेनैवाल्पभाग्यस्य हस्ताच्चिन्तामणिर्यथा ।
This youthfulness gives fruit in the forest of the body for a few days of the autumn only; and is not to be trusted. The bird of youthfulness flies off suddenly from the tree of the body, like the ChintaaMani disappearing from the hands of a man stuck by misfortune.
यदा यदा परां कोटिमध्यारोहति यौवनं वल्गन्ति सज्वराः कामास्तदा नाशाय केवलं । तावदेव विवल्गन्ति रागद्वेषपिशाचकाः नास्तमेति समस्तैषा यावद्यौवनयामिनी ।
Even as the youth-state ascends to the extreme peak, the desires also as accompanied by the fever of sufferings raise higher leading towards one’s destruction only. As long as the dark night of the youth lasts, all the devils of attractions and repulsions dance about and do not ever subside.
नानाविकारबहुले वराके क्षणनाशिनि कारुण्यं कुरु तारुण्ये म्रियमाने सुते यथा ।
Be kind towards the poor wretched youth-state with its various convulsions and momentary existence (in the long suffering life-span of a man), like acting kindly towards a dying son.
हर्षमायाति यो मोहात्पुरुषः क्षङ्गिना यौवनेन महामुग्धः स वै नरमृगः स्मृतः
ते पूज्यास्ते महात्मानस्त एव पुरुषा भुवि ये सुखेन समुत्तीर्णाः साधो यौवनसंक​टात् ।
One who gets deluded by the momentary phase of youth and feels happy is indeed a great fool fit to be called a ‘man-animal’, hey Muni.
Those noble ones alone are truly the men (not animals) that have to be worshipped who have crossed over the danger called youth easily!  
सुखेन तीर्यते अम्भोधिरुत्कृष्टमकराकरः न कल्लोलबलोल्लासि सदोषं हतयौवनम् ।
An ocean which is an abode of crocodiles can be easily crossed over, not the horrible state of youth with its many faults turbulent with its abundance of dancing waves of lustful desires.
विनयभूषितमार्यजनास्पदं करुणयोज्वलमावलितं गुणैरिह​ हि दुर्लभमङ्ग सुयौवनं जगति काननमंबरगं यथा ॥
It is difficult to find a garden in the empty sky; so also it is difficult to find a youth of an excellent type who is adorned with politeness (respects elders); who is the shelter of noble men (is learned and humble enough to learn more); who shines with compassion (is unselfish) ; who is enveloped with good qualities.
{SUYOUVANAM -Youth which is akin to the Kalpa Vriksha in the heavens, which shelters the Gods etc, is filled with gems as its fruits, bends when the winds arrive. Such a tree is not seen anywhere on the earth. A Young man with good qualities also is a rare find. }

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